
The Journey is Never Over

12 Dec 2022

Software engineering is the process of designing, building, and maintaining complex software systems. As a student of software engineering, I have learned a lot about the different concepts and practices that are used in the field. In this essay, I...

Software Development

I'm Starting to See a Pattern Here...

01 Dec 2022

Patterns are useful in everyday life and they help us distinguish new things quickly. Have you ever tried moving over from one social media platform to another? Let’s use Youtube Shorts to Tik-tok or Instagram. These are platforms that have...

Software Design Design Patterns

Final Project Idea

01 Nov 2022

Project: Video Game Connect Overview The problem: Video games have become progressively more popular as the years have gone by and now the majority of people play or at least know about video games. Socializing can be hard when it...

Software Engineering Meteor

UI Frameworks

06 Oct 2022

Have you ever gone through multiple web pages that look remarkably similar to one another from completely different websites? They are all using a similar UI Framework. UI Frameworks is a software tool used for building a software program such...

HTML CSS Bootstrap

Keeping Things Up to Standard

22 Sep 2022

Imagine if all research papers or professional papers all had different writing standards that led to formatting being all over the place or information being scattered throughout the paper without rhyme or reason. This leads to nothing but confusion and...

Javascript ESLint Coding Standards

Software Engineering

15 Sep 2022

Where Do I Even Begin? Computers have always fascinated me and it was first sparked by my hobby and interest in video games. Watching as lines upon lines of written code can come together to create experiences that I will...

Software Engineering Thoughts

Asking Smart Questions

08 Sep 2022

Have you ever just gotten stuck on a problem or a situation that feels beyond you and you need an answer that clears all the confusion? I’m sure that every single person has had a burning question that absolutely required...

StackOverflow Thoughts SMART Question

Intro to Javascript

31 Aug 2022

This is going to be my first experience with Javascript and I would say that I have been interested in it for quite a while, but never had the time to learn it. I was able to learn Java, C,...

Javascript Thoughts